Python training

Python Basics to Advance Level

  1. Introduction of Python
    a) What is Python
    b) Installing Python
    c) How to Execute Python program
  2. Python Fundamentals
    d) Keywords & Identifiers
    e) Variables
    f) Statement
    g) Expression & Indentation
  3. Python Data Type
    a) Booleans
    b) Numbers
    c) Strings
    d) Bytes
    e) Lists
    f) Tuples
    g) Sets
    h) Dictionaries
  4. Strings
    a) String indexing
    b) String slicing
    c) String methods I – upper, lower, title, capitalize
    d) String methods II – startswith, endswith, find, index, count
    e) String methods III – isupper, islower, isalpha, isdigit
    f) String methods IV – join, split, replace
  5. Conditional Statements
    a) If-else
    b) If-elif
    c) If-elif-else
    d) Nested if
  6. Loops
    a) for loops
    b) range function
    c) while loops
    d) break, continue and pass statements
    e) for-else
    f) while-else
  7. Pattern based problems
    a) Number patterns
    b) Alphabet patterns
    c) Shapes patterns
    d) Mixed patterns
  8. User Defined function
    a) def keyword
    b) creating a function
    c) return keyword
    d) Function inside a function
    e) Recursion
    f) *args
    g) ** kwargs
    h) Practice problems on Functions
  9. List in Python
    a) What is List – Definition and usage
    b) List indexing and slicing
    c) Mutable Lists
    d) Finding min, max and sum for a given list
    e) Iteration in Lists using for and while loops
    f) List methods I – append, extend, pop, insert
    g) List methods II – sort, reverse, clear, remove,
    h) List methods III – index, count
    i) List comprehension
  10. Tuple in Python
    a) What is Tuple? – Definition and usage
    b) Tuple indexing and slicing
    c) Immutable Tuple
    d) Iteration in Tuple using for and while loops
    e) Tuple methods – index and count
  11. Set in Python
    a) What is Set? – Definition and usage
    b) Set methods I – union, difference, difference_update
    c) Set methods II – intersection, intersection _update
  12. Dictionary in Python
    a) What is Dictionary? – Definition and usage
    b) Iteration is dictionary using for and while loops
    c) Dictionary methods I – keys, values, items
    d) Dictionary methods II – get, pop,
    e) Dictionary methods III – update, popitem
    f) Dictionary comprehension
    g) Practice problems on list, tuple, set and dictionary
  13. Inbuilt functions in Python
    a) Enumerate
    b) zip
    c) lambda function
    d) eval
    e) Map, Reduce & filter functions
    f) Decorators
  14. Using fundamental modules in Python
    a) Math module
    b) Random module
  15. File Handling Using Python
    a) How to create a File
    b) Writing data to a File
    c) Reading data from a file using various read Methods
    d) Additional file Methods
    e) Pickling and Unpicking in Python
  16. Modules in Python
    a) What is Module
    b) How to import a Module
    c) The From… import statement
    d) Accessing Modules form another Directory
    e) Packages

Advanced Python Programming Training

  1. Exception handing
    a. Difference between Errors and Exception
    b. What is an Exception?
    c. Understanding try-except-else
    d. finally keyword
    e. Different types of exceptions
  2. File Handling
    a. Opening and closing a file
    b. Reading .txt files in python
    c. Modes of opening a file – read, write, append
    d. Writing to a file
    e. Understanding file operations – read, readlines, seek, tell
    f. Reading .csv file in Python
    g. Data Analysis using File handing
  3. Database connectivity with Sql or mysql
    a. Installing Sql Server or mysql
    b. Select statements in SqlServer
    c. Understanding Fundamental Sql operations
    d. Creating and deleting a database
    e. Creating a table
    f. Insert, update and Delete operations in Sql
    g. Connecting Python with Sql Server / MongoDb
    h. Creating connection with Sql server/ Mongo Server using Python
    i. Creating cursors in Sql Server
    j. Executing CRUD operations using Python for data stored in table/collection
  4. DateTime Module in Python
    1) Working with date and time
    2) Year, Month, Date, day, time functions
    3) Hour, minutes, seconds functions
    4) Converting strings to date
    5) Calculating difference between two dates
  5. Object Oriented Programming
  6. Class and Objects
  7. Constructor init
  8. self keyword
  9. Variables inside class – Instance and static
  10. Types of Methods
    a. Instance Methods
    b. Class methods
    c. Static methods
  11. Understanding Inheritance
  12. Types of Inheritance
    a. Single Level
    b. Multi-Level
    c. Hierarchical
    d. Multiple
  13. super method
  14. Polymorphism/Method Overriding
  15. GUI in Python – Tkinter
    a) Importing Tkinter
    b) Understanding Tkinter Geometry
    i. Grid
    ii. Place
    c) Tkinter Widgets I – Labels, Button
    d) Event Binding with buttons
    e) Tkinter Widgets II – Radiobutton, Checkbox
    f) Event Binding with Radiobutton and Checkbox
    g) Tkinter Widgets III – Scale, Dropdown & events binding
    h) Show Warning and Error Messages
  16. Python Multithreading
    a. What is the Thread
    b. Thread Life Cycle
    c. Create the Thread
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