Course Details

1. Basic JavaScript

  • JavaScript
  • JavaScript engines
    • Babel
  • TypeScript
  • Let and Const
  • Arrow functions
  • Imports and exports
  • Block-scoped declarations
  • Classes (inheritance, properties, methods and static (i.e. class) properties/methods
  • Destructuring
  • Rest Operator
  • Spread
  • Async/await

2. Node.js

  • Basic of Node.Js
    • How The Web Works
    • Creating a Node Server
    • The Node Lifecycle & Event Loop
    • Handling request and Response
    • Routing Requests
    • Redirecting Requests
    • Parsing Request Bodies
    • Blocking and Non-Blocking Code
    • Event Driven Code Execution
  • NPM Scripts, Development & Debugging
    • NPM
    • Core Modules
    • Local and Global Npm package
    • Nodemon autorestart
    • Error Types, Finding and Fixing Errors

3. Express

  • Intro and installing of Express
  • Adding MiddleWare
  • Working of Middleware
  • Routing in Express
  • Creating & serving HTML Page in Express
  • 404 Page in Express
  • Styling(CSS) in Express
  • Node.Js Templating
    • Installing & Implementation PUG
    • HTML Fiule to PUG
    • Templating in PUG
  • MVC in Express
    • Model
    • View
    • Controller
  • Dynamic Routes

4. DataBase (SQL / NoSQL Introduction)

  • SQL vs NoSQL
  • Connecting App to SQL Database
  • Basic SQL
    • Creating Table
    • Fetching data
    • Save Data in Table
  • Sequelizing
    • Connecting to Database
    • Defining a Model
    • Inserting Data
    • Retrieving and fetching data
    • Update & Delete Data
    • Model Relation
      • One to One
      • One to many
      • Fetching relating data
      • Many to many
  • Working with NoSql (MongoDB)
    • Intro of MongoDb
    • Setting up MongoDB
    • Installing MongoDb Drivers
    • Creating and Finishing the Database Connectuion
    • Inserting Data
    • Retrieving and fetching data
    • Update & Delete Data
  • Working with Mongoose
    • What is Mongoose
    • Connecting to the MongoDB Server with Mongoose
    • Creating the Schema
    • Saving Data Through Mongoose
    • Fetching Data
    • Updating & Delete Data

5. Session and Cookies

  • Session
    • Intro of Session
    • Initializing the session
    • Use mongoDB to save session
  • Cookies
    • Intro of Cookie
    • Setting and configuration Cookie
    • Manipulating Cookie


  • Intro of REST API
  • Routing & HTTP Methods
  • REST API Project & Implementing the Route Setup
  • Sending Requests & Responses and Working with Postman
  • REST APIs, Clients & CORS Errors
  • Sending POST Requests
  • Adding Server Side Validation
  • Middleware in API
  • JWT Authentication (OAuth 2.0)
  • Setting working Project with Rest API with MongoDB

7. React.Js

  • Introduction of React
  • GitHub and setting React
  • Components, States, and Props
  • Life Cycle Methods
  • Event, Passing Props, React Router
  • Refactoring Hooks and Context API
  • Authentication in React
  • Redux State Management

Course Duration

  • 4 Months
  • Batch Slots: Weedays & Weekends